Each probe produces a single FISH signal for each copy of its target sequence. Hybridization of Vysis LSI TP53 SpectrumOrange/ATM SpectrumGreen Probes is expected to produce two orange p53 and two green ATM signals in cells with two normal copies of chromosomes 17 and 11. Hybridization of Vysis LSI D13S319 SpectrumOrange/13q34 SpectrumAqua/CEP 12 SpectrumGreen Probes is expected to produce two orange D13S319, two green CEP12, and two aqua LSI 13q34 signals in cells having two normal copies of chromosomes 12 and 13. Gains or losses of a specific probe target sequence will be observed as cells with either greater than or less than, respectively, two signals for that probe. While some abnormal CLL specimens are aberrant for only one probe locus, others may be abnormal for two or more loci.Other abnormal signal patterns may also occur.