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Accurate HBV viral load test results are critical in assessing if patients are responding to treatment.  This is vital in pursuing the elimination of viral Hepatitis as a public threat by 2030 worldwide*.  Alinity m HBV assay delivers accurate and timely viral load results which help clinicians guide patient care with improved workflow efficiency within the molecular laboratory.

  •  Research Driven Robust Assay Design
  • State of the art assay design fueled by the information obtained from the Abbott Global Surveillance Program led to a dual probe assay within a highly conserved target region of the virus thus safeguarding against future viral evolution. High sensitivity and specificity across  all genotypes (A-I) provide confident results that guide patient care.
  • Broad Dynamic Range
  • Helps avoid dilution of high viremic samples and improves turnaround time.
  •  Clinical Relevance
  • Highly accurate assay results meet AASLD guidelines and assure suppression of hepatitis B virus to prevent resistance development.

* Global Hepatitis Report 2017 (WHO 2017)


The Alinity m HBV assay is an in vitro polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay for use with the automated Alinity m System to quantitate Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) DNA in human plasma or serum. The Alinity m HBV assay is intended for use as an aid in the management of patients with chronic HBV infection undergoing anti-viral therapy. The assay can be used to measure HBV DNA levels at baseline and during treatment to aid in assessing response to treatment. The results from the Alinity m HBV assay must be interpreted within the context of all relevant clinical and laboratory findings.

This assay is not intended to be used in screening blood, blood products, or cell, tissue, and cellular and tissue-based products (HCT/Ps), or as a diagnostic test to confirm the presence of HBV infection.


  • Optimal performance of this test requires appropriate specimen collection and handling (refer to the SPECIMEN COLLECTION AND PREPARATION FOR ANALYSIS section of the package insert).
  • Human serum (including serum separator tubes and rapid-clot tubes) and plasma (ACD, K2 EDTA, K3 EDTA, and PPT) specimens may be used with the Alinity m HBV assay. The use of other plasma and serum tubes have not been evaluated.
  • Diluted specimens must be tested within 2 hours after dilution and should not be frozen.
  • Debris within serum and plasma specimens (e.g., clots, fibrin strands) may interfere with sample processing.
  • Assay performance for determining the clinical stage of HBV infection has not been established.
  • The instruments and assay procedures reduce the risk of contamination by amplification product. However, nucleic acid contamination from the calibrators, positive controls, or specimens must be controlled by good laboratory practice and careful adherence to the procedures specified in this package insert.

For in vitro diagnostic use

Rx Only

TechnologyPolymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)
Time to first result< 115 min
Standardization3rd World Health Organization (WHO) International Standard for Hepatitis B Virus
Probe DesignDual probe design with single stranded linear probes
Target RegionSurface Antigen gene
Specimen TypesPlasma: Acid Citrate Dextrose (ACD); K2EDTA; K3 EDTA, Plasma preparation Tubes (PPT)
Serum: Serum; Rapid clot tube (z-clot and thrombin); Serum separator tubes (SST)
Sensitivity / Limit of Detection (LoD)LoD= 10 IU/mL in plasma and serum
Plasma: Probit Analysis determined that the concentration of HBV DNA detected with 95% probability was 4.29 IU/mL (95% CI: 3.61 to 5.34 IU/mL)*
Serum: Probit Analysis determined that the concentration of HBV DNA detected with 95% probability was 6.85 IU/mL (95% CI 5.44 to 9.19 IU/mL)*
Linearity10 IU/mL to 1,000,000,000 IU/mL (1.00 to 9.00 Log IU/mL)
Result UnitsIU/mL or Log IU/mL
PrecisionTotal SD ≤ 0.30 log IU/mL for plasma and serum
Sample input volume300µL
Specificity100.0% (95% CI: 99.2 to 100.0%)
Internal controlDNA (Pumpkin)
Calibrator2 Calibrator levels-single use tubes
ControlsNegative, Low Positive, and High Positive controls-single use tubes

Alinity m HBV AMP Kit 53-608059/R5 2. Alinity m HBV CAL Kit 53-608061/R3 3. Alinity m HBV CTRL Kit 53-608060/R4 4. Abbott Data on File. 5. Alinity m Operations Manual: 54-605001/R12. CE Notified Body Number 1434.



The journey towards better CV outcomes in asymptomatic individuals should begin with a more accurate risk assessment, in conjunction with clinical and diagnostic findings. Incorporate STAT High Sensitive Troponin-I, a cardiac specific blood test from Abbott, into to your patients' health checks.

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The journey towards better CV outcomes in asymptomatic individuals should begin with a more accurate risk assessment, in conjunction with clinical and diagnostic findings. Incorporate STAT High Sensitive Troponin-I, a cardiac specific blood test from Abbott, into to your patients' health checks.

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