With smart system design, the m2000sp fully automates the extraction of nucleic acid from the specimen and performance PCR plate preparation.
Positive ID Barcode Reader
- Enables full sample and reagent tracking
- Ensures positive identification of barcode on sample tubes, controls and reagent carriers
Flexible Sample Processing
- Utilizes primary or secondary barcoded tubes (11.5 –16 mm)
- Processes calibrators and controls like samples
- Custom tube/rack configuration for optimal hands off time
Load-And-Go Capability
- Performs all system-related tasks without manual interaction, using the Liquid Handler and Robotic Manipulator Arms
- Reduces risk of cross-contamination
Output Deck
- Maintains consistent PCR plate temperature, resulting in extended walkaway time
One Platform, Multiple Uses
- Includes IVD assay extraction
- Offers custom open-mode protocols for general purpose extraction
Custom Software
- Utilizes intuitive and easy-to-use software
- Provides French, Italian, German, Spanish and Portuguese language translation
Smart System Design
Abbott offers multiple sample preparation systems that will meet your needs as your lab's testing volume increases:

1. m2000sp (medium throughput)
Fully automated sample preparation system, including master mix creation and 96-well PCR tray generation

2. Abbott Manual Sample Preparation
Useful for laboratories with small volume requirements. Offers reliable extraction using mSample preparation chemistry and is interchangeable with other extraction systems in the mSystem family.

The m2000rt fully automates the amplification and detection of DNA, RNA, or TNA.